Band Directory

Live Band Directory news and information - Telephone Numbers

Band Directory News - Telephone Numbers

News from the Live Band Directory - Telephone Numbers

18/1/2008 - Telephone Numbers

Linked artists and sites now have the option of giving out their telephone numbers on the Band Directory.

If you want to suggest a new link, you can specify the telephone number on the link submissions form.

Existing sites / musicians / artists, please Contact Us to have your phone / mobile number added.


On a different note, we can now offer either ASP/Windows or PHP/Linux as our Free Hosting platofrms, get in touch for more details about how to setup your free web hosting account, and start saving money today!

10/6/2015 - Bandhosts is now Mobile Friendly...
9/6/2015 - Successful Directory Submissions...
18/1/2008 - Telephone Numbers...
3/9/2007 - Free Web Hosting for bands...
18/6/2007 - New Categories and Regions...
21/5/2007 - Bands coming thick and fast...
8/5/2007 - More live bands added...
24/4/2007 - Welcome to the Band Directory...

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