Band Directory

Live Band Directory news and information - Welcome to the Band Directory

Band Directory News - Welcome to the Band Directory

News from the Live Band Directory - Welcome to the Band Directory

24/4/2007 - Welcome to the Band Directory

Bandhosts has relaunched as a Band Directory. Our aim is to showcase Live Bands and Performing Acts, falling into a variety of classifications, from across the UK and Ireland.

Where has the old bandhosts site gone?

Well, the old bandhosts site was kind of a web design site for live bands and acts. It didnt have a function as such, and was more of a placeholder site. Web development is now being handled by Mike Irving, Macclesfield Web Designer.

We decided the Bandhosts site could better serve the public, rather than lying dormant.

We aim to add sites to the Band Directory on a regular basis, and indeed you can add your own websites. You can add your site for free, or pay a small fee for a quicker approval, and to help support the project.

Please subscribe to our RSS Feed to be informed of new developments at Bandhosts.

Enjoy The Live Band Directory!

10/6/2015 - Bandhosts is now Mobile Friendly...
9/6/2015 - Successful Directory Submissions...
18/1/2008 - Telephone Numbers...
3/9/2007 - Free Web Hosting for bands...
18/6/2007 - New Categories and Regions...
21/5/2007 - Bands coming thick and fast...
8/5/2007 - More live bands added...
24/4/2007 - Welcome to the Band Directory...

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